
Vice Principal’s Message

“Confidence and hard-work is the best medicine to kill the disease called failure. it will make you a successful person” ― Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
“I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next.”― Steve Jobs

In globalization, engineers are the architect for developing our nation and also play a very important role in every aspects of life.They are versatile minds who build bridges between sciences, technology and society. In this context, various models of Teaching and Learning, Evaluation and Assessments, skill building, employability of internationally practiced model are successfully implemented in our college. Students are also encouraged for online certification courses which are likely to be integrated as a credit in future. Our excellence is not just confined to the classroom, we are also notably active in conducting conferences, workshops, seminars, guest lectures and other co¬-curricular activities. These activities expose students to know about the content beyond the curriculum, thus adding high value to their professional success. As we strive for excellence in what we do, the college is constantly making endeavors to scale new heights by developing synergy between academic knowledge, technical skill set in line with industry needs, high moral values and sensitivity to the environment and the nation. This innovative approach not only gives young technocrats an inquisitive bent of mind but encourages them to think out-of-the box. Students also gain the confidence to face challenges in the real world.
It is indeed a privilege and an honour to be a part of the Arasu family. Together with our teachers, parents, community partners and stakeholders, I look forward to a journey of helping our students discover and fulfill their dreams.
I am confident that with the concerted efforts of management, faculty, staff and students, AEC will scale new heights of excellence in the years to come.

Dr. Kalaimani Shanmugam M.Tech., Ph.D.,
Vice Principal
Email: viceprincipal@aec.org.in

Admission 2025 - 2026