
UG Courses

  • B.E – Computer Science & Engineering
  • B.E – Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • B.E – Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • B.E – Mechanical Engineering
  • B.E – Civil Engineering
  • B.Tech – Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
  • B.Tech – Information Technology
  • B.Tech – Agricultural Engineering
  • B.E – Bio Medical Engineering

Qualifying Examinations and Eligibility
B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Courses
HSC (Academic)

A pass in the HSC (Academic) or its equivalent with a minimum average percentage in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together as given below:

S.NoCommunity A Pass with Minimum average marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together
1General Category50.00%
2Backward Class including Backward Class Muslim45.00%
3MBC & DNC40.00%
4SC / SCA / ST40.00%

Lateral Entry (Direct II year)
I. Eligibility Norms:

Candidates satisfying the following rules alone are eligible for admission to Second year Lateral Entry B.E. / B.Tech Degree Courses for the year 2014-2015 or seats retained by the Management.

  • Candidates claiming as belonging to Tamil Nadu will be considered under the respective community on production of necessary Community Certificate, provided they have qualified for the three year Diploma / B.Sc. in Tamil Nadu fulfilling the minimum eligibility marks criteria for the Community.
  • Candidates claiming Nativity of Tamil Nadu but have qualified for Diploma / B.Sc. in other State (including Puducherry) should produce the Nativity Certificate along with the Community Certificate for consideration under the respective community. Such candidates should fulfill the minimum eligibility marks.
  • Candidates belonging to “Other State” including Puducherry with Indian Nationality are eligible and treated as “OC” and such candidates should obtain the minimum eligibility marks prescribed for “OC”.
  • Foreign Nationals are “NOT ELIGIBLE” except Sri Lankan Tamil refugee candidates who have studied Diploma / B.Sc. in Tamil Nadu as per policy communicated vide G.O. (Ms.) No. 143, Higher Education (J2) Department, dated: 14.06.2011.
  • The Self Financing Engineering Colleges should adhere to the guidelines issued by the “The Chairman, Committee to oversee the admission made by the Consortium of Self Financing professional Arts & Science Colleges, Chennai 600025” with regard to procedure adopted for making admissions against seats retained by the Management.

II. Qualifying Examination:
Diploma Candidates

A pass with prescribed minimum eligibility marks in any one of the Diploma in appropriate branch of Engineering / Technology of the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Tamil Nadu / equivalent prescribed for admission to the Degree Course (Refer list of eligible Degree Courses for various Diploma Courses)
B.Sc. Candidates

A pass with prescribed minimum eligibility marks in any recognized Bachelor’s Degree in Science of minimum 3 years duration with 10+2+3 years pattern and studied core Mathematics as one of the subjects at degree level.

Note: Candidates with Degree other than Bachelor of Science are not eligible.

For any clarification with regard to Diploma qualification, write a letter to DOTE, get it clarified and then admit students. On any account, candidates without prescribed qualifications will not be given admission approval.
III. Minimum Eligibility Marks:

Both Diploma and B.Sc. qualified candidates have to obtain the following minimum eligibility marks for admission to Lateral Entry as prescribed in G.O. (Ms.) No,263, Higher Education (J2) Department, dated: 30.06.2008 and as per directions issued in Government Letter No.5464 / J1 / 2011-1, Higher Education Department, dated:04.07.2011.

S.NoCommunityMinimum average marks in the Pre-Final and Final semesters put together or Final year
1General Category55.00%
2Backward Class including Backward Class Muslim50.00%
3MBC & DNC45.00%
4SC / SCA / STMere pass in the qualifying examination for Diploma examinations as stipulated by the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Tamil Nadu / B.Sc. Degree examinations / Equivalent.
Admission 2025 - 2026