
Dean Message

Message from Dean (Academics)

Higher education in our country is undergoing a remarkable transformation. Nowadays, education system is outcome-based rather than the traditional exam-centric one which was followed in our country for centuries. In outcome-based education, the real learning outcomes of students are measured in an objective manner.
Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam is a center of learning where young students nurtured in different fields of engineering. Our institution focus on imparting technical training to encourage curiosity and innovativeness among the students so as to meet the fast changing needs of the industries.
We, Arasu Engineering College, give importance for importing life and communication skills to our students. Separate trainings on life and communication skills are being given to our students by special trainers. We believe that the education received at our institutions, must translate into excellent career and job prospects for our students.
All staff members of our institution work with the motto of bringing our college as one of the premier institutions in our country. We will work, learn and grow together and take the institution to the highest peak in the academic field and maintain the highest standards.

Very Sincerely,

Dr. M. Rukmangathan M.Sc., CSIR (NET)., Ph.D.,
Dean (Academics)

Email: deanacademic@aec.org.in

Admission 2025 - 2026