
Geo Club

Geo Environmental Organization (GEO) club is a student organization that is devoted to preserve the environment. GEO Club’s goal is to raise awareness about environmental issues through community outreach, environmentally-themed fundraisers, and participation in community events and competitions. GEO Club mainly focuses in raising awareness about environmental issues such as reducing waste, conserving Earth’s natural capital (water, air, wildlife, land, and resources).
Geo Environmental Organization (GEO) Club was inaugurated in our college by Mrs.Shobha Menon, Nizal Foundation Chennai on 28-09-2016 and on the same day Mr.S.Vijay Aravindan from Paydo Technologies gave a special lecture. Around 145 students were registered under GEO club and panel members were elected among them. As part of inauguration function saplings were planted near new boy’s hostel.
A huge area near girl’s hostel was adopted by GEO club and which was converted as organic garden where various vegetables are planted.
Main goals behind the GEO club are to teach the students the value of healthy environment, team work, event management, leadership qualities etc.
GEO club creates positive impact on student’s social life, personal development and employment prospects.
Becoming an active member of a club is a great way for undergraduate students to meet new, like-minded people, particularly useful for students on the shy side. Getting involved also provides them with opportunities to expand their network of social and professional contacts.

Admission 2025 - 2026