
Department of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry, one of the departments of basic sciences and Science and humanities play a vital role for all Engineering Students. This department offers basic knowledge on chemistry and applications of chemistry in various Engineering fields. Only students gathering complete information on chemistry can have a strong foundation and get a flying start in Engineering Studies. Department of chemistry was started in this institution since 2001 and possessed good academic records throughout the growth of the institution. Department of Chemistry is equipped with modern teaching aids to teach pioneer students more effectively. Faculty members are utilizing modern teaching aids like OHP, LCD, Chart and models to teach the theory subjects.


  • The Department is effectively contributing the basic knowledge and hands-on training on various applications of Chemistry in engineering curriculum.

  • The Department is facilitated with spacious laboratory and equipments for the effective practice of young engineers.

  • The Department has its own excellence by experienced staff members of various specializations in Chemistry.

  • Three staff members of our department have upgraded their qualification to Doctoral degree.

  • Staff members of our department have contributed more than 30 publications in the peer-reviewed, Scopus indexed, national/international research journals.

  • Staff members of our department have actively presented/participated more than 20 national/ international level seminars, workshops and FDP programmes.

  • Two staff members of our department had recognized as Research Supervisors by Anna University, Chennai.

Admission 2025 - 2026