
Department of Mech

The department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the academic year 2005-‘06 with an approved intake of 60 students and intake has risen to 120. From the inception, the department is growing constantly towards the objective and it is providing an excellent infrastructure with well equipped laboratories aiming for the development of student community with the latest technical knowledge, good leadership qualities and spirit of competence.

Research & Development Activities :

Various research works have been undertaken by the department in the fields of internal combustion engines, pollution and its control, renewable energy sources and alternative fuels. The department is providing all the required facilities for the students to do their project work inside the college campus. Our students won number of prizes in the national level project competitions conducted by the various universities and organizations.

Association Activities:

The mechanical engineering students’ association is functioning under the banner “MECHZEAL” in order to develop the multi-personality skill of the students. The students association is regularly conducting various workshops, seminars, conference, etc. to cope up the students with the latest technological advancements. Frequently, experts from various fields are invited to the department for sharing their experience and knowledge with the students. The students are encouraged and guided to present technical papers in the conferences conducted by the other colleges

Admission 2025 - 2026