
Department of EEE

The Department of Electrical and electronics Engineering was established in the year 2002-2003 with the intake of 60. It is recognized by AICTE and affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. The Department is accredited by National Board of Accreditation ( NBA),New Delhi for 3 years since 2009.The Department has well-defined curriculum with due exposure towards latest innovation and advancement in the field of Electrical, electronics and computer Engineering application at both introductory and advanced levels. The students are trained to analyse almost all electrical and electronics equipments, the theory behind their operation, their design, their procedure of maintenance, services etc.,

Objective :

The Department strives to keep in pace with the growing technology by conducting seminars, workshop, student symposiums, conferences, technical discussions and special lectures by eminent people from industry and also from well reputed institutions. The Department has vast library apart from the central library to improve the knowledge of the students and the staff.

Association Activities

Every year ENGETRAN, AERO (Advanced Electrical Research Organization), a National Level Technical conference festival and EEE Association activities are organized The Counseling is given to the week students by their respective Class in charges and Faculty advisors. In every Semester In plant Training and Industrial Visits are arranged for the students for the betterment of practical knowledge.

Admission 2025 - 2026