
PM-YUVA Yojana

PM-YUVA Yojana(PradhanMantriYuvaUdyamitaVikasAbhiyan) aims to create an enabling ecosystem for Entrepreneurship Development through entrepreneurship education and training across the country in select Institutes of Higher Learning (Universities, Colleges and Premier Institutes), schools, Industrial Training Centers (ITIs) and Entrepreneurship Development Centers (EDCs) for over a period of five years. Additionally, students will get easy access to a robust network of peers, mentors incubators, funds and business services through an online platform. Focus will also be on entrepreneurship promotion and social entrepreneurship.
This programme was started in the year 2018. There are two batches are conducted and 50 students are registered in the each batch. This programme was funded by PMYUVA Yojana in collobration with Wadhwani Foundations

S.NoProgramme organizedCoursesFunding
1.     PMYUVACourse-100 (Orientation Programme)Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship &Wadhwani Foundations
Admission 2025 - 2026